Consider These Factors Before Going Solar On Your Home
“Is my home a good candidate for solar power?” is a commonly asked question. The answer is generally yes, but depends on a few factors. Understanding the following scenarios will help you determine if you are a good candidate for a residential solar panel installation.
Requirements for home solar
The region of the country in which you live plays a factor in the viability of solar power. Ask yourself, “Does my city get a lot of sunshine throughout the year?” Solar panels produce energy through the absorption of sunlight, so in order to power your home with solar, you’ll want the answer to be yes.

Take a look at the map above which shows the average amount of sunlight falling on each state in America. Darker colors indicate higher amounts of sunlight, while lower levels of sun are indicated lighter. Areas in the Southwestern United States appear to receive the most, while areas in the North, Northwest and Northeast receive the least.
8 cities in Texas including McAllen made the list of U.S. Cities With Most Solar Potential using data taken from Google’s Project Sunroof, factoring in how much roof space is currently available for solar panel installations.
A second factor to consider is the orientation of the roof on your home. Because the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, south-facing is the preferred orientation in order for solar panels to absorb the maximum amount of sunlight throughout the day.
Roofs facing east will produce power during the morning, as the sun is rising, while roofs facing west will produce power later in the day, when the sun is setting.

Sunlight or Shading
A third point of consideration is how much direct sunlight your roof receives. By direct sunlight we mean little to no shading throughout the day. Things that could be problematic, interfering with sunlight exposure include tall structures nearby (your neighbor’s three-story house, for example), as well as tree branches & limbs, and vent pipes or chimneys up on your roof.
If after reading through the factors above you’re unsure about the solar viability of your roof, keep in mind that solar panels can also be installed via ground-mount.

The best thing to do to see if your home qualifies for a solar power system is to Contact Us today and speak with one of our knowledgeable solar experts. After a brief conversation we should be able to help you determine whether or not your home is a good candidate for solar!
About StarAlt Solar
StartAlt Solar has more than 50 years of combined experience in the solar energy market. From designing and engineering to installation and maintenance, StarAlt Solar can make your next solar energy project a reality.
At StarAlt Solar, we aim to provide the best equipment for the best prices and strive to deliver honest, trustworthy service at the best value to our customers. Contact Us to schedule a free solar assessment today!